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About Us

We are pleased to introduce you to Life Health Limited. Life Health manufacturers and markets health products, including Noni Juice and other Noni related products.

Life Health has been in the Noni and health products business for over 20 years, previously in a wholesale capacity. In 2005, the company re-branded and expanded into the retail and export market. In 2013 Life Health expanded to supply Green Energy, a well-researched green powder to the market and the company is on an expansion plan to develop and add innovative, health enhancing products to its range every year.

The management of Life Health strive to stand out in the health products market by providing individual and excellent service to their customers. The management of Life Health value long-term relationships with both customers and suppliers; relationships based on trust and integrity. "We always ‘go the extra mile’ in developing partnerships with our customers and base our business decisions on fairness for all and what is best in the long term, rather than short term gains."

Meet the Founders of Life Health:

Judith Grant

Mac and Judith GrantJudith has over 25 years business experience. She has been at the helm of successful multi million dollar companies and has been instrumental in taking Life Health from Noni wholesaler to the vibrant, exciting company it is today, whilst at the same time retaining the historic wholesale side of the business. Judith became excited about Noni after extensive research into the benefits of Noni gave her a desire to be involved in a business and products that she passionately believes in.

Judith is committed to taking the benefits of Noni Juice and other health products to the world. "In todays fast changing world chemicals are found in every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat, to the cleaning products of our households, to the cosmetics we use, to the clothes we wear, to the pollution in the air and waterways from motor vehicles and workplace discharge. Despite advances in medicine, more and more people are falling into ill health through the lifestyles we live. We must nourish our body and give it the nutrients it needs to fight the effects of living in a modern world and Noni Juice and Life Health products supply those nutrients".

Says Judith: "Even thousands of years ago, when people wandered down to their garden patch and picked fruit and vegetables for their diet, when the worst pollution imaginable was smoke from the small fire used to cook a meal, even then, Noni was an important medicinal plant for those fortunate enough to live where the trees flourished. Noni was transported as a canoe food for those voyagers setting off to colonise new lands. Today, it is even more important that we utilise the benefits of this wondrous plant".

Mac Grant

Mac has been involved in wholesale and retail businesses for over 35 years and brings a wealth of business experience to Life Health. Like Judith, Mac also believes passionately in the benefits of Noni juice. Mac stopped taking a variety of dietary supplements and replaced them with a daily morning dose of Noni juice, and immediately noticed the benefits this brought to his body. “ I have more energy, a wonderfully functioning digestive system, sleep has improved and nowadays I never catch a cold in the winter”.

Mac enjoys the sales and marketing side of the business, building up strong, long term relationships with the many customers Life Health services.



"The 7 Health Secrets of Noni Juice"
